UltData - Best iPhone Data Recovery Tool
Recover Deleted & Lost Data from iOS Devices Easily, No Backup Needed!
UltData: Best iPhone Recovery Tool
Recover Lost iPhone Data without Backup
When you don't want to receive calls or are busy, you can use the voicemail feature to let the caller leave a voice message. However, if you are receiving many voicemails each day, it is not uncommon to delete important ones along with others. Besides that, you can also face voicemail deletion situations due to sudden system crashes, iOS update bugs, factory reset, etc. So, how to retrieve deleted voicemail iPhone?
Well, the good news is that there are now multiple ways to recover deleted voicemail iPhone. That's what we intend to cover in this guide. Here, we are presenting four ways to get back deleted voicemail on iPhone with or without backup. So, let's head right to it!
When you create an iPhone backup on iCloud or Finder/iTunes, the voicemails are also backed up. However, if you don't have an iPhone backup to restore, then you can still recover deleted voicemails.
Follow the below two easy ways on how to recover deleted voicemail iPhone without backup:
When the voicemails are deleted, the iPhone keeps them in the Recently Deleted folder for a few days until they are deleted permanently. So, if you have deleted voicemails recently, then here's how to recover deleted voicemail on iPhone with the Recently Deleted folder:
This way, you can quickly recover recently deleted voicemails on your iPhone within seconds.
If you don't find the deleted voicemails in the Recently Deleted folder, then it means they have also been deleted from that folder. However, don't lose hope. The voicemails are still present in your iPhone storage. All you now need is a powerful data recovery tool that can find and extract those voicemails. That's where Tenorshare UltData steps in.
Tenorshare UltData is a powerful iPhone data recovery tool. It offers a click-based interface and deep-scanning algorithms that scan through your iPhone's internal storage to extract all the deleted voicemails. Afterward, it allows you to preview and recover the selected ones back to your iPhone. The whole process takes just a few minutes to complete.
Other than voicemails, UltData can also recover other data types, such as images, videos, documents, contacts, and more. In short, UltData is your one-stop iPhone data recovery tool.
Follow the below steps to learn how to retrieve deleted voicemail on iPhone with Tenorshare UltData:
Before we discuss the steps on how to recover deleted calls on iPhone with backup, remember that restoring iCloud or Finder/iTunes backup will entirely reset your iPhone. This means that your iPhone's existing data will be removed and replaced with backed-up data.
If you have an iPhone backup in iCloud, you first have to factory reset your iPhone. This is essential because you can only restore iCloud backup from the iPhone's initial setup.
Follow the below steps to learn how to recover deleted voicemail iPhone with iCloud:
After the backup is restored and the iPhone setup is completed, your voicemails should be restored now.
Tip: Compared with iCloud's official solution, Tenorshare UltData supports previewing and selectively recovering only the data you need from iCloud, so it can save your scanning time and accurately recover data.
If you have made an iPhone backup with Finder/iTunes, you can use your computer, the Finder/iTunes app, and your iPhone to recover deleted voicemail messages.
Here's how to retrieve deleted voicemail on iPhone with Finder/iTunes:
Once done, Finder will restore the backed-up data to your iPhone. Afterward, you can access deleted voicemails by heading to voicemails.
You can easily retrieve deleted voicemail iPhone if you play the cards correctly. Above, we have discussed four ways to recover deleted voicemail on iPhone with or without backup. However, we don't want you to waste time testing all the above methods.
What you should do is first check the Recently Deleted folder. If you don't find the voicemails there, then simply install the Tenorshare UltData iPhone Data Recovery tool, scan your iPhone storage, and recover deleted voicemails with a few simple clicks. That's it! So be smart, leverage UltData tool, and get back voicemails right away.
Many reasons can let voicemail disappear on your iPhone, such as:
If you are looking for recently deleted voicemails, you can find them in the Phone app. Open the Phone app, click the "Voicemail" tab from the bottom, and tap "Deleted Messages". It will let you access recently deleted voicemails.
Yes, when you back up your iPhone using iCloud or Finder/iTunes, your voicemails are also backed up.
Tenorshare UltData - Best iPhone Data Recovery Software
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By Jenefey Aaron
2025-02-28 / iPhone Recovery
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