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Time: August 1, 2022 - August 31, 2022

Get iCareFone for LINE APP redemption coupon code

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Redemption code for iCareFone for LINE App:

How to redeem the coupon code?

1. Install iCareFone for LINE APP

Search "iCareFone for LINE" in Google Play, and install it.

2. Buy

Open the app and you will see a pop-up window to let you make a purchase. Select "redeem coupon code" in the window.

3. Redeem coupon code

Paste the redemption code you've obtained.

4. Redeemed successfully, enjoy now.

Transfer LINE chats by following the on-screen instructions.

You've obtained the redemption code and copied it!

The redemption code is valid until: September 1, 2022. Redeem it and enjoy the free gift now! The code will expire if the time limit is exceeded.

Redeem now